Nuestra política Medioambiental
Our Environmental policy

The management team, in collaboration with the ESG Committee, integrates sustainability across every project, focusing on resource optimization, circular building systems, carbon footprint reduction, and contributing to environmental protection and biodiversity recovery.

Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:





100% of our carbon footprint measured

Development of the decarbonisation plan to be launched in 2024.

All new projects to be 100% Breeam certified

Sustainable management of 100% of construction waste

Integrating Internet of Things technology with sustainability-focused standards


Global: integrate climate change management into the business by reducing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable housing and the circular economy.

Launch the companys decarbonization plan.

Obtain A/B energy rating in 100% of developments.

Implement a comprehensive sustainability and social plan in 100% of new projects.

Draw up an action plan against climate change (2025).

Our master plan


We drive sustainable developments to contribute to climate change mitigation.


We apply our Green Book criteria to all our projects to optimize resources, efficiency and ensure innovation in design. In addition, we follow our environmental risk management protocol and close the construction process by obtaining the most demanding environmental certifications.

We contribute to mitigating climate change by controlling our impact on water, air and biodiversity:

We promote rational use, reuse and recycling of water through technology.

We minimise emissions in our buildings to improve air quality.

We collaborate with key partners such as CoCircular to promote the circular economy.

We put sustainability at the centre: we conduct environmental due diligence for land acquisition, responsible planning, sustainable design solutions and the creation of green spaces.

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Campo obligatorio

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